Resident News

Regular Council Meeting 2023/02/06

Please join us for the next Council Meeting on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 6:30pm in the Terrace Bay Council Chambers. The public is invited to attend these meetings in person or online through Zoom. Just click on the Zoom Links below to attend the virtual meeting:

Residents Survey – Natural Gas Service

Lakeshore Natural Gas Inc, with support from the Town of Marathon and Township of Terrace Bay, has asked Forum Research to conduct a survey to help evaluate the feasibility of bringing natural gas to homes and businesses similar to yours. This online survey will run until at least February 6, with the intention of gauging your interest in connecting to natural gas, should it become available in your community.

We are only able to accept one survey response from each property. Survey respondents must be 18 years or older and the person most responsible for making energy decisions for your property. Your survey responses will be held in confidence and only shared with Lakeshore Natural Gas Inc. in aggregate for reporting and decision-making purposes.

Although we thank all respondents for completing the survey, completing the survey does not guarantee that your property will be served by natural gas as part of this project. In addition, please know that completing the survey is not an application for natural gas service.

If you have any questions about the survey, please reach out to us at

To access the survey, please click here: Lakeshore Natural Gas (

2023 Budget – Public Info Session

RESIDENTS - please join us for the 2023 Budget - Public Info Session on Wednesday, January 25 from 6pm to 8pm - Activity Room, TB Community Centre! We encourage all residents to join us and offer their input at this public info session.

Volunteer Firefighters Needed!

The Township of Terrace Bay Fire & Emergency Services Team is now recruiting for volunteer firefighters!
If you are over the age of 18, live in Terrace Bay and want to be a part of an amazing team doing amazing things for your community please apply.
Training nights are 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month with alternate training nights on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays(in the fall). DZ license is a huge asset. Training will Commence after date of hire.
Apply Today! Applications are available at the TB Community Centre Office. For more information email

Council Meeting – January 16, 2023

Agenda Link               Zoom Link

Council Meeting – January 3, 2023

The next Council Meeting will be Tuesday, January 3 at 6:30pm in the Terrace Bay Council Chambers. The public is invited to attend these meetings in person or online through Zoom. Just click on the Zoom Links below to attend the virtual meeting:
Agenda Link               Zoom Link 

Police Services Board – Provincial Appointed Board Member

The Township of Terrace Bay Police Services Board is looking for 1 -  Provincial Appointed Board Member to serve on the board.

The Police Services Board oversee how policing is provided in your local community. They contribute to their community’s safety and well-being by working with local citizens and organizations to ensure their community receives the appropriate policing it needs. A municipality’s policing is overseen by a board where the community chooses one of the following:

  • to establish a municipal police force
  • to establish a joint police force with other municipalities
  • to contract with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) to receive policing services

For more Information on this board position and how to apply:

How to Apply
Vacant Position Available - 1

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the Terrace Bay Municipal Office at 825-3315 ext.7103

Winter Emergency Preparedness

Are you prepared in the event of a winter emergency?

Click on the image to open the document.

For more information please see the links below:

Council Meeting – December 19, 2022

The next Council Meeting will be Monday, December 19 at 6:30pm in the Terrace Bay Council Chambers. The public is invited to attend these meetings in person or online through Zoom. Just click on the Zoom Links below to attend the virtual meeting:
Agenda Link                 Zoom Link 

2022 Holiday Guide

Check out the Holiday Guide for a listing of public skating, family skating, shinny hockey and more!  holiday guide 2022