Fitness Room Re-Opening – July 20, 2021 at 10:00am

Posted on July 19, 2021

RE-OPENING! The Terrace Bay Fitness Room will be re-opening on Tuesday, July 21, 2021 at 10:00am.  All memberships have been extended for the period that the fitness room was closed based on members date of expiry.

Download the Fitness Room Re-Opening 2021.revised


The Fitness Room is scheduled to re-open starting Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Hours of Operation will be Monday to Sunday – 24 hours a day with the exception of the cleaning hour.
Cleaning Hour:  Monday to Saturday – 9:00am to 10:00am – fitness room closed to members
Maximum Number of Users allowed in the Fitness Room is 10. READ MORE


Fitness Room Members will access the facility at the Terrace Bay Community Centre Main Door – Hwy #17 with their swipe card.

  • All Fitness Room Users will be required to complete a self-screening check before entering the facility. These procedures will be posted at the entrance to the building.
  • All Fitness Room Users must practice physical distancing of at least 2M
  • Fitness room users will NOT be required to wear masks in the fitness room, due to the TBDHU mask guidelines for indoor public spaces for the Thunder Bay District. f. permit the temporary removal of a mask or face covering where necessary for the purposes of: i. actively engaging in an athletic or fitness activity including waterbased activities.
  • All fitness room users will be required to wear masks in all public areas of the Terrace Bay Community Centre, with the exception of the fitness room.
  • Changerooms will be open to fitness room users. The Sauna is Closed at this time.

All fitness room users will be required to hand sanitize prior to entering the Fitness Room.

  • Hand Sanitizer will be provided at the entrance and inside the fitness room.

All fitness room users are to maintain proper social distancing and avoid using equipment directly beside other guests.

All fitness room users MUST wipe down their equipment with the cleaner provided prior to using the equipment and immediately after use.

  • Equipment Cleaner will be provided in the fitness room for all users to clean their equipment before and after use.

Maximum Number of Users allowed in the Fitness Room is 10.

  • The fitness room will be monitored by staff to ensure that the quota of 10 is maintained.
  • If a user finds that when entering there are more users than the maximum of 10, the user is asked to contact the TB Community Centre Office to deal with the situation or call the After Hours Phone at 229-7186
  • Users will be asked to leave if they are not abiding by this rule.
  • If this becomes an issue, the TB Recreation Department will re-evaluate this rule and might have to implement time slots for users.

Enhance environmental cleaning and disinfection

  • Maintenance Staff will ensure cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces and objects at least once a day and when visibly dirty.
  • Ensure fitness room, change rooms, and showers are cleaned and disinfected daily to maintain a sanitary environment.
  • Maintenance Staff will maintain a log to track cleaning and disinfecting activities.

Communication with fitness room users

  • Any COVID-19 concerns or questions please contact Dean Main, Community Development Supervisor in writing or email to

The Township of Terrace Bay continues to monitor and adapt to the guidelines and recommendations of the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, Province of Ontario and Federal Government. Our operating guidelines may be adjusted and/or changed as required at any time.

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in membership cancellation and removal from the facility. The Township of Terrace Bay reserves this right at all times.