Township of Terrace Bay Facility Closures due to Provincial Stay at Home Order

Posted on April 8, 2021

Effective Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., a stay-at-home order is being issued for 28 days – requiring everyone to remain at home, with exceptions for essential purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services, getting outdoor exercise or for essential work. Read More

This will help:

  • save lives
  • prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed
  • protect in-person learning and keep children in schools
  • allow for more time to vaccinate Ontarians
  • stop the spread of COVID-19 in communities

Ontario News Release – Declares Third Provincial Emergency to Address COVID-19 Crisis and Save Lives

Residents –  Do your part to protect our community and stop the spread of COVID-19. Do not gather with those outside your household, limit travel, practice physical distancing, wear a mask, staying home when ill, minimize outings, and be vigilant in following all public health advice.

Visit the Thunder Bay District Health Unit website for public health recommendations and COVID-19 health information.

In line with Government lockdown regulations, only essential Township services continue to operate during the temporary lockdown.

The Terrace Bay Municipal Office will remain OPEN from 10am to 9:30pm – Monday to Friday and Saturday from 10am to 4pm 

Please only come into the Municipal Office if it is essential –  for purchasing of garbage tags, landfill cards, dog tags and paying bills.  Did you know that utility and tax bills can be paid online through your financial institution. Credit card payments can be taken over the phone if necessary.

If you are applying for a building permit, planning application or document signed by commissioner of oath, please call the Municipal Office at 807-825-3315 ext.229

Visitors to the building are reminded that it is mandatory to wear a mask and hand sanitize when entering the building.

Terrace Bay Community Centre Recreational Facilities – Fitness Room, Bowling Alley, Squash/Racquetball Courts, Curling Club, Arena & Meeting Rooms are CLOSED.    (Fitness Room Members will have their memberships extended for the period of the closure)

Terrace Bay Cultural Centre – Seniors Centre and Michael King Hall are CLOSED.

Terrace Bay Public Library – Open for curbside pick up only.  Call the Library at 807.825.3315 x222

Council Meetings
All Council meetings will revert to virtual meetings until further notice. Links to the virtual meetings will be posted on the municipal website and on Township social media.  Please contact the CAO/Clerk’s Office if you have questions.

Stay Safe!