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Township of Terrace Bay News

Council Meeting – November 6, 2023

Please join us for the Council Meeting on Monday, November 6, 2023 at 6:30pm in the Terrace Bay Council Chambers. The public is invited to attend these meetings in person or online through Zoom.  Just click on the Zoom Links below to attend the virtual meeting:

Township of Terrace Bay’s 2024 Budget Survey

In 2020 Council and Administration undertook a strategic planning exercise which culminated in the 2020 – 2023 Community Strategic Plan which can be found here: Terrace Bay Strategic Plan 2020-2023

The 2020-2023 Community Strategic Plan identifies 5 strategic directions within the plan as:
- Community Well Being
- Economic Diversification & Sustainability
- Community Growth – People and Assets
- Community Beautification and Environment
- Terrace Bay as a Destination

Taking the previous strategic direction into account, along with keeping in mind 2024 Strategic Plan survey, within the context of the 2024 municipal budget, please fill out the following survey.

Survey Link.

Contact for more information:

Dan Mulligan
Treasurer/Deputy Clerk

WinterFest 2024

The Terrace Bay WINTERFEST Committee would like to extend an invitation to any business, organization or individual that would like to plan an event/activity to be included in WINTERFEST 2024 - February 16 to 19
If you would like to submit an event/activity, please provide us with the details of your event and contact information for a representative of your group. Contact Michelle Malashewski at the TB Community Centre Office at 825-3315 ext. 7102 or email:
We look forward to working with you to help make this a successful WINTERFEST Celebration!

Local Government Week – October 15 to 21

The Township of Terrace Bay is proud to celebrate Local Government Week this October 15-21.
Every day local governments work hard to make life happen. From taking care of necessities like roads, waste, and water, to creating diverse arts, culture, and tourism experiences, to finding innovative solutions to tomorrow’s challenges, local government professionals are change-makers and community builders.
We are proud to serve our community by providing the programs and services that residents rely on daily. Thank you to our local government professionals who work hard to make life happen! #LocalGovWeek

Council Meeting – October 16, 2023

Please join us for the Council Meeting on Monday, October 16 at 6:30pm in the Terrace Bay Council Chambers. The public is invited to attend these meetings in person or online through Zoom.  Just click on the Zoom Links below to attend the virtual meeting:
Agenda Link         Zoom Link

Residents Notice – Door to Door Solicitors

There has been complaints & concerns of recent Door to Door Solicitors in our community.
If you have any concerns and would like to report, please call the Provincial Communication Center 1 888 310 1122 . This is the non emergency line and an officer will be dispatched.

Council Meeting – October 2, 2023

Please join us for the Council Meeting on Monday, October 2 at 6:30pm in the Terrace Bay Council Chambers. The public is invited to attend these meetings in person or online through Zoom. Just click on the Zoom Links below to attend the virtual meeting:

Notice of Passing 18 Timbergrove Crt. Zoning By-Law Amendment



  Lot 146, Plan M329 STREY, PCL 146-1 SEC

18 Timbergrove Court


TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay passed By‑law No.26-2023 on the 25th day of September, 2023, under Section 34 of the Planning Act.

The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the subject property from ““Low Density Residential (LDR) Zone” to " Low Density Residential Exception Four (LDR-X4) Zone” in order to permit a short-term rental accommodation within the primary dwelling unit and to permit a reduced minimum lot frontage of 14.8 metres.

No written submissions were received.  Oral submissions were provided at the public meeting for Council’s consideration prior to passing the By-law.

Take Notice that an individual, corporation or public body may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal, by filing a notice of appeal with the Clerk of the Township of Terrace Bay not later than the 16th day of October 2023. The notice of appeal must set out the reasons for the appeal and must be accompanied by the fee required by the Tribunal.

Take Notice that only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal a by-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group.  However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf.

And Take Notice that no person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

A copy of the By-law is available for inspection at the Municipal Office during regular office hours.

DATED at the Township of Terrace Bay this 26th day of September 2023.


J.W. Hall

Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk

Township of Terrace Bay

1 Selkirk Avenue, P.O. Box 40

Terrace Bay, ON P0T 2W0

Telephone: 807-825-3315

.pdf version available here

Snow Removal Assistance Program 2023/24

Wednesday, October 18 – 9am to 5pm
Thursday, October 19 - 9am to Noon
Terrace Bay Community Centre - Conference Room
For the upcoming winter season, the municipality will be offering snow removal services to eligible individuals, couples, or families. To be eligible for the program, a household must meet one of the following requirements: Current Documents must be provided.

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Special Council Meeting – September 25, 2023

Please join us for the Special Council Meeting on Monday, September 25 at 7:00pm in the Terrace Bay Council Chambers. The public is invited to attend these meetings in person or online through Zoom. Just click on the Zoom Links below to attend the virtual meeting:
Agenda Link         Zoom Link *
*Please note the zoom link is not the same as the link used for Regular Council Meetings