Terrace Bay Strategic Plan – 2025 to 2029

Posted on September 25, 2024

The Township of Terrace Bay is committed to always striving to be the best that we can be. We recognize that our ability to consistently deliver exceptional services to our community depends on spending our time, energy and money on the things that matter most to our residents. That is why we have kicked off a project to create our 2025-2029 Strategic Action Plan! We are pleased to be partnering with MGA – McQueen Galloway & Associates and McSweeney & Associates for this important assignment.

The project is kicking off in September and is to be presented to Council in December of this year. The process of developing the strategic plan will include engagement with Council, Township staff, and the community and will include facilitated working sessions with Council, the Senior Management team, and key community stakeholders. The process will also include a short community online survey as we need to make sure that our priorities match up to what matters the most to our residents. MGA and McSweeney & Associates have developed a brief (5 min) Citizen Questionnaire to provide your thoughts and input on how to make our community an even better place to live.

You can complete this questionnaire online 

We thank you in advance for completing this questionnaire before end of day October 18th, 2024. If you have questions about the questionnaire, contact Tracey McQueen directly at tracey@mgagroup.ca.

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to provide your valuable input!

Paul Malashewski – Mayor

Jon Hall – CAO